Snow is common in the Alaskan Wonderland, but not in the way you think. When the snow falls from sparse clouds and the Aurora is out, the snow borrows colors from the sky and creates a Technicolor Snowstorm! Our essential oil blend of vetiver, lavender, coriander, copiba and frankincense (total coverage for your skin: Anti-everything, heavily repairing, preventative skin care, increased blood flow) along with our special colorful snowflakes (alkanet, spirulina, turmeric, paprika - mirrors essential oil benefits), this bar brings the beauty and wonder of this truly otherworldly place, even when it's otherworldly cold! This bar will only last a short time before it's colors melt away! Get your Technicolor Snowstorm today!
Technicolor Snowstorm
Ingredients: Saponified 100% coconut oil; vetiver, lavender, coriander, copaiba, and frankincense essential oils; alkanet, spirulina, turmeric, and beet powder.